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Wednesday 15 March 2023

MINIATURE PAINTING AND SCENERY MAKES: Full disclosure (with incompetence) - Thunder Mouser

Hello, Greetings and Salutations,

OK, I feel like I need to add a little clarity to the whole model painting. I originally started when I was 13 and loved spending my time painting my Orc and Goblin Army, some undead figures, then finally moved on to an Eldar and finally Lizardman Army. (This was way back in which was way back in 1997.) Then sadly I left the hobby and recently, having asked myself what would make me happy, I returned to the TTRPG family and having gotten back, looked up models and was totally wowed by all the ones available, especially with 3d printing.

Now first off I am not an expert painter and with so much having happened in the hobby in the 25 years I've been out, I will be starting again as a newbie, so if you want to walk this journey with me, hopefully we can all learn from each other and through our own endeavours we can all get there with models we'll not only be proud of but can't wait to play with.

Now because I'm getting on (yeah I know I'm old), I'm looking at painting models on the 50mm scale (new measurements to follow), as when printed at 28 and 32mm, I really have problems focusing on the details. (And yes I wear specs.) So anything I do will be related to that size or bigger, including figuring out everything needed for scenery, buildings etc. Its definitely going to be fun and with my prototype materials purchased for battle map 1.0, I will hopefully generate a lot of fun things that you too can make (provided I don't stick my fingers together.)

Everything is going to be done without spending a fortune, on a budget, with finding ways to increase usefulness whilst reducing storage and as you can guess will look hodge podge until the skills develop (but thats what stampedes and dinosaurs are for in this hobby (its intention, they ruined it, not my incompetence), but thats half the fun, after all if you don't do or try, you will never succeed or make things better. As you'll have already seen I am working on things like colour plans for the models, working on how the shadow and shading will come through and with practical examples that I can share, we can all have fun exploring this hobby. So please join me on this journey and have as much fun in the hobby as I hope to.

Thunder Mouser

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