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Friday 24 March 2023

TTRPG Thoughts: What shall we do with Thieves Cant? - Thunder Mouser

In every game, there are some aspects that feel like they're something left over from an earlier edition or something that people either under utilise or are not quite sure what to do with it.  Thieves Cant is one of these, so we had a think about what we could suggest for people to do, that would allow the thieves to feel special as they can use it as well as finding something special that would allow a whole heap of future adventures for the whole table.

So what did we come up with?

After a long hard think we decided that perhaps the Thieves Guild in your world, could use coins much like the ones in John Wick, where thieves cant lets those who know what services are on offer to members of the guild, if they have the special coins to buy them with.

OK, so the idea of implementing this is probably something that many have thought of before hand, however think about it.  
How would the characters earn the coins?
What is the value of them?
What could they spend them on?
Well look at it this way, they could earn them by doing jobs for the thieves guild, be it assassinations, robberies, removing treasures from a location, supplying services such as protection for jobs and of course everyone's favourite, being able to trade magical items that may be illicit to the guild.

So now we know how they could earn them, how could they spend them?
Well, pretty much like John Wick, whatever you need if you want it done quietly, you want a poison, see if the herbalist is in league with the thieves guild with a special sigil that only your rogue can detect, you want information about a location, hand signals that only those with the thieves guild know or if you want a body disappeared, there's someone for that too.

The possibilities are pretty much endless and it all allows you as the DM to have a whole heap of side jobs that can interweave and allow your players access to information, that provided they have the special coin for it, may provide something novel that will help either further the overall arc or perhaps lead them in a whole new direction.  Its also a great way to have clues drop into their lap if they've missed some of what you deem critical information.

All round, this has only really been a cursory post on our part, but we wanted to get this out there so that it could be utilised as soon as possible to hopefully add some extra flavour to your game.  We hope you have fun with it.

Thunder Mouser.

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