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Sunday 30 April 2023

TTRPG NEWS: Warhammer: The Old World to not include Starter Box Set - Games Workshop


OK, today at Warhammer Fest, Warhammer Old World was announced and whilst it has a whole host of promises the main thing that I noticed was that there are no plans to release rules included starter armies set for this title, (whilst another one announced over the weekend, Warhammer 40K:  Leviathan does.)

This, for me, is a mega problem for a number of reasons but the key one is that a rules related release starter army box sets always includes a number of miniatures that are extremely good value and allows people to start collecting and playing until they can get additional units and up their army points count.  Without these, it does feel like they're trying to cut out a number of younger hobbiers or those wanting to return especially when they announced that the game wasn't for new players only to contradict themselves later by stating that there would be ways for new players to join.  

I feel its imperative to include a starter set as it gives all hobbiers an even ground to start with as they can be learning the rules alongside tactics as they await the release date for the army that they want to collect.  This also generates a set of problems as for example with them working on the Bretonnians and Tomb Lord books first, they are going to be the armies with the bigger selection of troops to begin with that means it could easily counteract other armies troops.  For example a Bretonnian/Tomb Lord Army is going to quickly out point all other factions and if your friend wanted to wait to get say a Chaos Faction or an Orruk/Gitz army, they could have a 6-18 month delay until they can get the troops/characters to balance out the tabletop battle whilst also making rash decisions on troops only to discover that for their tactics that the troops they bought aren't suited.  

Having a starter set with the rules allows new players the chance to play armies they wouldn't have considered and having tried them, may spark a love for that forces tactics or figures that they may have otherwise ignored.  

Now OK this might seem like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill as the rules will the available for free and of course they can easily be updated when problems are identified but it does feel strange to get a boxed set for one title and not another.  OK, so yes, they have announced legacy figures to be included (which would have to be characters like the Green Knight and the Fey Enchantress for the Bretonnian army, but another major problem with setting it 500 years before which I think sets us up in the beginning of the Second Millenium with the cult of Sigmar promising to eradicate Witchcraft and Sorcery (which will make magic tricky) and Finubar of the High Elves only having arrived at a Bretonnian port which will restrict the high elf option.

All round whilst a release date hasn't yet been announced for this title I really do hope that they reconsider a starter box set or at least ask the fans their opinions.  Here's hoping.

This is based on me remembering;
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Starter Box set that included the rules, High Elves and Goblins (4th Edition)
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Starter Box set that included the rules, Lizardmen and Bretonnians (5th Edition)

Warhammer Fantasy Regiments (that included Dark Elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs, wood elves, Skaven)

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