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  Hail Mighty Readers and Rollers of the Maths Rocks, We love to interview people in the TTRPG scene so if you are in one of the following r...

Tuesday 16 May 2023


We love to feature people who have had the creativity to sit down and write their own modules for TTRPG's.  Brandon, a prolific twitter user and supporter on Kofi, took the time to answer our questions and let us have a look inside his life as a creator alongside mentioning his real life work as a sensitivity reader and creativity consultant...

Totally Pawsome:  As a creator of modules for TTRPG's, what inspired you to write the one you're most proud of?

Brandon:  As a new writer I've just put out my first module, Dreamweaver's Debate, and the source of that was a session I made for my players in my home game because one couldn't make it. A called the game almost entirely improvised and thought it would be really cool if others could experience this too.

TP:  What would you say is the best selling point of your TTRPG's?

B:  Roleplay. In Yl'fe there are a number of mechanics that allow you to embody your character and really feel like you're playing their part much like an actor. From role-playing how one starts rumors or gathers info from them, how healing needs communication between players and talking about how they feel and what they think to many other elements of the game that bring out these great elements of ttrpgs in general.

TP:  Why the TTRPG space?

B:  TTRPGs allow everyone to be a storyteller, and from shows like: The Unexpectables, TFS at the Table, Critical Role, Dimension 20 and more individuals than I could fit on a page, I was enraptured by the amazing potential all tables have.

TP:  What is your favourite product that you produce and why?

B:  Yl'fe is my favorite as it has mixed two of my loves; folk tales and cosmic horror are genres that run through so much of my philosophy of life through stories. The inspiration and power through generations alongside the humbling and thought provoking mysteries that affect us in the now. Combining those two elements I have been given the chance to inspire and intrigue friends and fello players alike.

TP:  What is your current work in progress and what can you tell us about it?

B:  I just finished my latest project but my next one will hopefully be a Kickstarter for Yl'fe and it's art. I want to have an illustration from many things in my book but I'll need a lot of help for that to happen.

TP:  Who do you think would love to play your TTRPG's and why?

B:  I think Omega Jones (Critical Bard) would be a fan. If I recall they're a fan of the roleplay element in ttrpgs which Yl'fe is all about. Plus with faeries and Abstracts, his outfit choices would be endless!

TP:  Where do you see your TTRPG writing career taking you in 5 years?

B:  I want to branch out to the community and travel to cons, meet players and creators, make funny videos with them, and tell dramatic stories with them. My dream is to be on a panel talking about my works to people who've enjoyed them. 

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to develop something unique, what would it be and why?

B:  I would want to make a game focused on poetry, incorporating haikus and poems into expressions that could be utilized in game mechanics. I don't know how yet, but someday. 

TP:  Who do you admire in the Independent TTRPG writing space and why?

B:  There are so many I would love to name, but I would like to point out Adam Brown. He writes 5e supplemental material and on top of being a fantastic and creative mind, he is a really kind and considerate person.

TP:  What got you into TTRPG's in the first place?

B:  My friend Max, back in 2015. He wanted our friend group to play D&D together and when we started he showed me the D&D homebrew site. I had no idea what the official rules were for a little while but the fun of the game captivated me from session 1. 

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