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Thursday 4 May 2023

INDEPENDENT TTRPG CREATOR INTERVIEW: Skies of Fortune - Dread Priate Syzer, Hipster Cthulhu

TTRPG's really do bring people together and whilst you usually tend to think about independent creators as individuals games like Skies of Fortune has two from opposite sides of the world.  Dread Pirate Syzer and Hipster Cthulhu, met through a well known anime youtubers discord.

Bouncing idea's off of each other from Iowa and London (UK), they're bringing Skies of Fortune to the TTRPG space in 2024 where players can take their adventures to the air...  Here they tell us about their rich environment that will spark many an adventure where pirating pays off well...

Totally Pawsome:  What would you say is the best selling point of your TTRPG's? 

Skies of Fortune:  Our lore-rich setting and emphasis on pirates as adventurers helps us stand out! 

TP:  Why the TTRPG space?

Skies of Fortune:  As two people who were the forever GMs amongst our friend groups, we’ve always enjoyed giving people all the tools we can to tell their own stories. And creating a ttrpg is the ultimate form of that. 

TP:  What is your current work in progress and what can you tell us about it?

SoF:  Skies of Fortune is an independent, semi-crunchy, lore-rich setting in which players take on the role of sky pirates, making their fortunes while keeping the tyrannical imperial powers off their backs. It has 10 unique classes, classic fantasy ancestries alongside a whole pet shop of anthro ancestries, and a cooperative and fun airship combat system. 

TP:  Who do you think would love to play your TTRPG's and why?

SoF:  Fans of DnD will feel right at home in the Skies as the combat and skill systems have similar feels. Also, anyone who wants to cast aside the surly shackles of gravity and the strictures of polite society should enjoy their time as a rebellious sky pirate. 

TP:  Where do you see your TTRPG writing career taking you in 5 years?

SoF:  It all depends on how well the Kickstarter goes lol. But potentially adding expansions to Skies of Fortune and even producing brand new settings! 

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to develop something unique, what would it be and why?

SoF:  We would still be making Skies of Fortune! This is THE project, the one that we’re putting our all into! 

TP:  Who do you admire in the Independent TTRPG writing space and why?

SoF:  Dread Pirate Syzer’s answer: Ever since my first DnD adventure in Sigil, I’ve been a fan of Monte Cook, one of the chief designers of Planescape and creative lead at Monte Cook Games. He produces unique and engaging settings. 

TP:  What got you into TTRPG's in the first place?

Dread Pirate Syzer’s answer: Games I used to play with my childhood best friend, that were just a step up from pretend, based on Mega Man and Star Wars.

Hipster Cthulhu’s answer: Futurama – Bender’s Game. I went out and bought a DnD Homes basic set that day.

Twitter Art credits: Logo : @LostHavenArt Leviaspawn: @artcher_artwork Savin the Sky Witch: @TheHoly_Bro The Sirocco Airship: @RossySculpts

Letter Writer by Jennifer Brown (no Twitter)

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