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Tuesday 6 June 2023


Member of the Very Random Encounter Group Podcast, Greg has created a fab TTRPG called Glitter Hearts.  Now available on Ich.io and Drivethru.RPG we were lucky enough to grab a chat with Greg to talk about his TTRPG  and discover a little more about him...

Totally Pawsome:  As a creator of modules for TTRPG's, what inspired you to write the one you're most proud of? 

Greg Leatherman:  I've actually never made a module. I've always hacked games to make the stories that I want to tell better. It was in the process of hacking a game to play a Sailor Moon game, that I hit upon Glitter Hearts. I then made it into a full blown game on its own.

TP:  What would you say is the best selling point of your TTRPG's? 

GL:  I focus as best I can on teamwork and working together to tell a story. Many games really focus on the cool things individuals can do, and I wanted to blend them more so everyone felt like a team.

TP:  Why the TTRPG space? 

GL:  Stories are important and being able to tell your own story in the way that you want is something very unique to the TTRPG space. You can be your own hero or villain, tests the waters to see how you feel, and explore places that you find interesting.

TP:  What is your favourite product that you produce and why? 

GL:  Glitter Hearts is my first ever full blown RPG where I did all the writing. It's the first game that I've released commercially that has had a wonderful life so far.

TP:  What is your current work in progress and what can you tell us about it? 

GL:  It's called The Mystery Business and it is a mystery solving game that mirrors cartoons like Scooby Doo. There's no combat.

TP:  Who do you think would love to play your TTRPG's and why? 

GL:  Anyone who grew up watching cartoons, who loves problem solving, who doesn't want everything to be solved by combat.

TP:  Where do you see your TTRPG writing career taking you in 5 years? 

GL:  To write more RPGS. This is my hobby profession and one that I do because I love it and I love making things. I don't intend to make it a full career.

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to develop something unique, what would it be and why? 

GL:  Right now, I'm also trying to write out my full Pokemon like TTRPG. If I had the money to not work, I would spend much more time writing that.

TP:  Who do you admire in the Independent TTRPG writing space and why? 

GL:  Because everyone has a stake in making TTRPGs successful and unique. There are so many interesting viewpoints that don't often get heard in the mainstream corporate world.  Indies can be much more daring and much more free.

TP:  What got you into TTRPG's in the first place? 

GL:  I've loved playing them since I was a kid and was shown Gamma World at age 10. It was incredible to visit these other worlds and play stories how I wanted to play them, not how they were just being told to me.

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