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Monday 7 October 2024

MONTHLY MINI's - Grove Haven - Biting the Bullet

Here, at Totally Pawsome, we love finding mini's that have multiple purposes and this months miniature releases from Bite the Bullet are not only fab to use on the tabletop but also for games like Magic the Gathering (the Bloomsburrow releases) where you can use these to represent your tokens and have them there on the table looking fabulous.

Whilst not every mini will currently make it to your table for Bloomsburrow, they are all totally ideal for the wonderful Humblewood D&D setting.  Each of these are unique and really quite fun.

There are so many to pick from that its going to be hard to choose especially when you start going through not only Bite the Bullets Grove Haven range, but also through other releases from there such as the fabulous tabaxi ranges.  All are available through your usual 3d independent printer or you can buy your files direct from them.

For fun, we've written our own paragraphs to accompany each of our top picks for quirky characters and hope you'll enjoy them just as much as we have (please be aware that there are many more mini's in this set than we have time to write for unfortunately.)

(Hopper) The Frog Wizard

From deep within the mystic waters of the pond, magic brews and is flying randomly into all directions as our epic Wizard, Hopper, hopes to see what mysteries lie deep within the Wyrdwood.  Each spells colour denotes a portent on whom he should have accompanying him on his quest to find the cursed item within the wooded haven that is poisoning the other animals that call this home.

(Harry) The Hedgehog Bard

Harry, our epic bard, upon hearing of Hoppers quest and spotting a few of the known heroes of the woods, decides to accompany him as he thinks that a song can be made out of the adventure, never knowing what they will face, Harry is always there with witty retorts as well as jokes to keep the other adventurers spirits up.  Oh wow betide any who would seek to undermine his work...

(Tinker) the Ferret Thief

Hearing of a chance to find fame and adventure (but mainly the clanking of coins), Tinker (sometimes known as Tinker the Stinker because of her penchant for diving into rubbish piles looking for loot) feels that this quest could be the making of her (or rather her fortune) as any chance to become the most famous Ferret in the forest would help her lead a life on easy street.  At least thats what she thinks,  will happen without being wary of any magical warnings to be careful of what you wish for...

And finally rounding out our party.

(Mousekateer) the Mouse Cleric

With so many on the journey, signing up to restore the balance of the land, every party needs someone with the mind to keep them all on the right track, acting as everyone little conscience as well as the one to "bop them on the head" if things start going awry in their less than pious thoughts (especially that damnable thief Tinker.)  

Mousekateer is the Cleric for that role.  Filled with her ideals of social justice for all and a need to help the less fortunate of the woodland creatures, some injured by fires and unable to make a living on their own or Orphans, she sees this as her chance to find some money to help fund her activites.  But what shall she find along the way...

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