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NEWS: Totally Pawsome Policies for Interviews and Reviews - Thundermouser

  Hail Mighty Readers and Rollers of the Maths Rocks, We love to interview people in the TTRPG scene so if you are in one of the following r...

Monday 7 October 2024

MONTHLY MINI's - Grove Haven - Biting the Bullet

Here, at Totally Pawsome, we love finding mini's that have multiple purposes and this months miniature releases from Bite the Bullet are not only fab to use on the tabletop but also for games like Magic the Gathering (the Bloomsburrow releases) where you can use these to represent your tokens and have them there on the table looking fabulous.

Whilst not every mini will currently make it to your table for Bloomsburrow, they are all totally ideal for the wonderful Humblewood D&D setting.  Each of these are unique and really quite fun.

There are so many to pick from that its going to be hard to choose especially when you start going through not only Bite the Bullets Grove Haven range, but also through other releases from there such as the fabulous tabaxi ranges.  All are available through your usual 3d independent printer or you can buy your files direct from them.

For fun, we've written our own paragraphs to accompany each of our top picks for quirky characters and hope you'll enjoy them just as much as we have (please be aware that there are many more mini's in this set than we have time to write for unfortunately.)

(Hopper) The Frog Wizard

From deep within the mystic waters of the pond, magic brews and is flying randomly into all directions as our epic Wizard, Hopper, hopes to see what mysteries lie deep within the Wyrdwood.  Each spells colour denotes a portent on whom he should have accompanying him on his quest to find the cursed item within the wooded haven that is poisoning the other animals that call this home.

(Harry) The Hedgehog Bard

Harry, our epic bard, upon hearing of Hoppers quest and spotting a few of the known heroes of the woods, decides to accompany him as he thinks that a song can be made out of the adventure, never knowing what they will face, Harry is always there with witty retorts as well as jokes to keep the other adventurers spirits up.  Oh wow betide any who would seek to undermine his work...

(Tinker) the Ferret Thief

Hearing of a chance to find fame and adventure (but mainly the clanking of coins), Tinker (sometimes known as Tinker the Stinker because of her penchant for diving into rubbish piles looking for loot) feels that this quest could be the making of her (or rather her fortune) as any chance to become the most famous Ferret in the forest would help her lead a life on easy street.  At least thats what she thinks,  will happen without being wary of any magical warnings to be careful of what you wish for...

And finally rounding out our party.

(Mousekateer) the Mouse Cleric

With so many on the journey, signing up to restore the balance of the land, every party needs someone with the mind to keep them all on the right track, acting as everyone little conscience as well as the one to "bop them on the head" if things start going awry in their less than pious thoughts (especially that damnable thief Tinker.)  

Mousekateer is the Cleric for that role.  Filled with her ideals of social justice for all and a need to help the less fortunate of the woodland creatures, some injured by fires and unable to make a living on their own or Orphans, she sees this as her chance to find some money to help fund her activites.  But what shall she find along the way...

Friday 4 October 2024

MONTHLY MINI RECOMMENDATIONS: Night of the Cursed Vows - Raging Heroes/Heroes Infinite


Here at Totally Pawsome we just love to bring you our favourite print yourself mini's each month, and for people like me who don't own a printer, shouldn't be put off as these files are absolutely fabulous.  What I do, and what I would suggest others do too, is if you write to the creator in this case Raging Heroes, and ask permission to subcontract the printing to a friend.  As long as its an exclusive contract between the two of you (they will only print the mini's for you) permission is usually given.

This month they bring something to the table that I just couldn't ignore, these mini's are not only "to die for" but can easily be utilised for any roleplay table or to take lead in your armies as something a little different to the norm allowing you to personalise it to your own taste, this is what they have coming this month.  (You can pick them up here.)

Main Characters

As the star of the show, we have the beautiful long dead and cursed bride Valeria. Long ago, she married a handsome and charismatic man named Salazar. But on their wedding night, Salazar, whose goal was to gain eternal life, sacrificed his young bride. Today, the ghost of the young woman roams, condemned each year on the same date – Halloween night – to relive this terrible wedding. All that remains of her is her decapitated head, placed in a reliquary, as well as her heart, literally broken in two by her husband's betrayal. He has since become a very powerful vampire.

But Valeria is not the only victim of a tragic and cursed love. All the characters attending this fateful wedding have secrets to hide, be they the tormentors or their victims. 

Such as Elogar, the musician, doomed to eternally accompany, with his heart-wrenching melodies, the sorrows of those wounded by impossible love. 

Or Lady Elaria, the cursed maid of honour, who, in her tragic love story, harbours terrible secrets, just like the couple of pierced heart black swans that accompany her. 

Lady Thornbite
 is actually halfway between victim and tormentor. Once condemned to a horrible death by a jealous lover within the grasp of the iron maiden, a monstrous instrument of torture, she returned to life as a vampire, thirsting for vengeance. Now, armed with an unyielding determination, she wears the very machine that destroyed her as armour, and she delights in the terror caused by the sight of her eternal torment. Ouch!

Guests, Sets and Centrepiece

As with all weddings, there are all sorts of guests orbiting around the ceremony. 

Arachne, the Seamstress, is a vampire with a peculiar power. She has learned to extract the soul of her victims to spin it into a unique silk thread, which she uses to craft the most incredible ceremonial garments, like Valeria's wedding dress. She is surrounded by a swarm of Banshees armed with long sewing scissors, who serve as her assistants. 

There is also a choir of women, all cursed in life and thirsting for revenge in death, summoned by Lady Elara. These are the Whisperblades

And of course, for such a ceremony, an exceptional throne and a place worthy of hosting the unholy wedding were needed. The scenery pieces available with this release are simply astounding, inspired by the most beautiful buildings of Venice. These pieces can be used to create a decaying cityscape, a grand ruined cathedral, or even the balconies of a sprawling open-air theatre.

They will provide the perfect backdrop to host the Spectral Altar, an incredible centrepiece that ushers brides toward their cursed union…

I have to say, I am completely thrilled with what the team has accomplished for this release!

The characters embody all the classics of vampire and ghost mythology, while at the same time, each of them has an incredible personality that makes them utterly unique.

Storytelling and Wargaming Starting Points

There are so many stories and adventures to be created with these characters that you have everything you need for an extraordinary Halloween game session

Imagine your adventurers caught in the middle of this infernal night, trying to break the curse that imprisons Valeria; or, perhaps, discovering who the cruel lover of Lady Thornbite was; or why Elogar, the musician, is unable to find peace today…

And of course, what lies behind the curse of LadyElaria and her two black swans? 

Who is really pulling the strings? 

Is the Vampire Patriarch behind all of this?

Or are the Ghosts themselves manipulating the Vampires?

And why not weave part of this story into your Wargames, creating special mission objectives?

For example, what would happen if the two pieces of Valeria's heart were reunited? 

This release is bursting with options to tell stories filled with darkness, tragic love, and the supernatural. I hope you’ll enjoy printing, painting, and playing with these miniatures as much as we enjoyed creating them. 

So, as always, I’m going to ask you: which of these miniatures are your favourites? Which ones are you excited to print first? 

And what do you think of these characters' backstories? What really happened to them? What are their secrets? Now’s the time to share your theories and inspire others with your own ideas!

And meanwhile, we wish you a fantastic Halloween season filled with pumpkins, miniatures, and epic games. See you soon!

Who’s Who in the Release


Salazar, The Nocturnal Warden
Lady Elaria, The Screaming Bridesmaid
Valeria Kavanis, The Ethereal Bride

Lady Thornbite, The Iron Maiden
Thalindor Spectros, The Eerie Celebrant
Elogar, The Haunting Harmonist

Arachne Nightripper, The Black Widow Seamstress
Lord Kaladorin, The Eternal Patriarch
Salina Serpenthorn, Guardian of Agony


Grimvault Crosshades - Ghost crossbowmen
Scissorclaw Banshees - Ghostly Banshees armed with long claws made of scissor blades
Wraith Harvesters - Ghostly Elite troops wielding large scythes
Bloodwing Hunters - Giant vampiresque humanoid bats
Whisperblade Haunts - Choir of cursed female ghosts armed with long stabbing daggers


Lady Elaria on Death Pegasus

Spectral Coach - a ghostly carriage pulled by four ghostly horse and lead by swirling ghost characters, transporting the coffin of a deceased female

Karazor the Exalted - a powerful vampire lord in a centaur-like beastly form with the lower body and wings of a dragon


The Spectral Wedding Altar


A stunning set featuring the ruins of structures inspired by the most exquisite Venetian architecture. These pieces can be used to create a decaying cityscape, a grand ruined cathedral, or even the balconies of a sprawling open-air theatre.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

MONTHLY MINI's: Mirmidons of the Death-Tide - Andrea Tarabella's Artisan Guild


Hail Mighty Readers and Miniature Officionado's,
In furtherance to our Monthly mini's feature we feature today Andrea Tarabella's Artisan Guild Mirmidon's of the Death Tide, available for this month (August).

Its a fab set of mini's and whilst it may not suit any wargame that you play, for RPG'ers there is a lot of options for them all, especially when you factor in the additional feature of the busts, the one thing that we need you to note here is that one of the mini's available is a pin-up and as such is NSFW.

With this selection, there is a variety of price ranges that will allow you to go from printing the mini's for your own personal use to acting as a business and offering to print them for others.  This is how the pricing breaks down and if you're unable to print yourselves you can go to other sites like Etsy or My Mini Factory where you can order them from other printers:

Adventurer £8.50 per month plus VAT

6 Modular Models (often +6 with helmets or masks)

4 Special Models (or 4 Cavalry Models + 4 Saddle-less Beasts)

2 over the top Heroes

1 Epic Slot (Heroic Mount, Epic Beast and so on)

1 Fantasy Pinup

Our Welcome Box

Exclusive Discount Codes to use in our MMF Store.

Also access to see both Pencil and 3D Concepts and sculpts where you can give feedback.

Collector:  £11.50 plus VAT

This Tier receive everything from the Adventurer Tier (Welcome Box, Monthly Releases, access to Polls, Lives and Work in Progress).

Additionally, with this Tier you get 7+ top quality 3d printable Busts (presupported, and about 50mm to the eyes): 2 Busts representing the two heroes of the month, 2 to represent the modular units, one for the epic boss, one for the enchanting pinup, and an Exclusive throwback Bust of a popular hero of past releases, that is available only here until the month ends (it will not be available for sale late!)

Merchant:  £30 a month plus VAT

This Tier receive everything from the Adventurer Tier (Welcome Box, Monthly Releases, access to Polls, Lives and Work in Progress).

You can Sell the Prints of our models (but never the files or links!) as long as you stay in this Tier. If you change Tier to a lower one or stop supporting us you immediately lose this ability. 

Here's is their YT Trailer:

If you enjoy getting to see whats becoming available this month please let us know so we can continue this feature.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Monday 5 August 2024

MONTHLY MINI'S: Vermin and Pestilence - Raging Heroes


Hail Mighty Readers and Mini Painting Officionado's,
We're starting a new feature this month, where we go out, find mini's that you can print at home, that will add something a little different to your tabletop be it for Wargames or RPG's.  Here we are starting out with our friends at Raging Heroes imprint, Heroes Infinite and thought that some of these would be pretty cool to paint as they add something a little different to a lot of others out there, so without further ado, lets get to it:

This mini, from the Vermin and Pestilence range is pretty cool and would make a fab leader for any Elf battleforce or even as a leading fae character for your people to battle in its beautiful glory of colour as well as design.

Alongside this, they have a whole range of other mini's out there with two price ranges, where under the Leader Tier ($10) you get:
9-10 Heroes
3 Dynamic Troopers
1 Epic Centerpiece
14+ Scenic Bases
2 Monsters

Whereas if you take out the Overlord Tier ($16) you will get in addition to the above:

Additional 15-20 new Troopers
to create 5 different units
Exclusive alternative versions
of Heroes and Monsters
Mind-boggingly extensive
Modular / Scatter Terrain
Exclusive additional models
for our Heroes Infinite Overlords,
such as Mounted Heroes, Monsters, and more.

Each tier is pretty fab and we also wanted to link to their YT vid where you can see the full range for your money.

Finally if I were to pick one mini from the range to call my favourite, I think it will have to be the dire Carrion Cleric Vashar who I will be using to lead my Skaven Plague Monks as well as making him a deadly as well as evil foe for RPG's to come.

Please join us in celebrating everything to do with the joy of mini's.

And as we continue the series please remember that some of these will only be available at the prices cited for this month, so if you like them, get them now.  

Monday 2 October 2023

PAINTING MONDAY: It all started at the Morgue...


As you know we love Painting Monday, and whilst we've recently not been quite as busy as we'd like, we are getting back into things, taking pics and working on a huge epic story of our own that will center around a load of painted mini's that we've been ordering and painting ourselves.

We wanted to start with something a little different and for your viewing pleasure we are including a sneaky peak at our morgue and doctor, the story is going to be a bit different to a lot of others out there and when its done, we hope to make it a free to download option for all of you.

Be prepared for a chaotic story around the sea and an adventure to have to staring some new mysteries down.  We hope you'll enjoy.


Friday 15 September 2023

FEATURE: Independent TTRPG Accessory Creators for Christmas - Thunder Mouser

Christmas Stocking from Asda
that I bought last year
We're starting to get towards the time of year, when everyone's mind turns to presents.  So as a TTRPGer what can we do to help not only alleviate the stress but help the community with our buying power?

Well one thing I always like to do (and I know that there are a lot of others out there, is buy bespoke gifts from Independent creators.  Yes you can get some of the mass market products out there but nothing says special than something that you've taken a lot of thought over and specifically commissioned for the person you're buying it for.

I've compiled a list of independent creators out there at this time, to allow you to find something unique and super special for your TTRPG friends and family, and by looking and ordering now, you not only get it ahead of the rush (and lets face it, theres nothing worse than that last minute panicking purchasing,) but also get plenty of time for delivery and also helps spread the cost of that time of year out so its a bit friendlier to your pocket.

So for your viewing pleasure, businesses who create some wonderful products, organised by the main item that they sell.  We hope you, like us, will share the love this year, and help do something not only special for your loved ones but also show the mainstreamers, that we, the buying public support those who help add to our hobby pleasure...

Dice Vaults and Displays:

NaturallyNerdy https://etsy.com/shop/naturallynerdycraft/?etsrc=sdt

Sting and Saw https://etsy.com/listing/1204972310/birds-eye-maple-dice-vault-legacy-line?ref=usf_2020

Talon and Claw https://etsy.com/shop/TalonandClaw?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1148577500

Dicey Dog https://etsy.com/shop/DiceyDog?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=890033612

Dice Goblin Riddles https://etsy.com/shop/DiceGoblinRiddles?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1487249178

Stephens Woodworks RVA https://etsy.com/shop/StephensWoodworksRVA?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1540155429

Staff and Branch - @StaffandBranch - https://staffandbranch.com/   Bespoke Dice Boxes 

Elderwood Academy:  https://twitter.com/ElderwoodBoxes    https://www.elderwoodacademy.com/

3D Printers

3dPrint Den https://etsy.com/shop/3DPrintDen?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=867702502

Irritated Kraken Miniatures https://etsy.com/shop/IrritatedKrakenMinis?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1001546378

The Shady Sail https://etsy.com/shop/TheShadySail?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1363827142

Mungos Marvelous Minis https://etsy.com/shop/MungosMarvelousMinis?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1503683643

3D Printing Bard https://etsy.com/shop/3DPrintingBard?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1273226160

Griffon Co Minis https://etsy.com/shop/GriffonCoMinis?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=680098089

Dev Paints Minis https://etsy.com/shop/DevPaintsMinis?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=962870001

unB10 https://etsy.com/shop/unB10?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1461792599

Rainbow Scultptor https://etsy.com/shop/RainbowSculptor?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1336209542

TTRPG Accessories and Dice Bags

Nerd Alert Treasures https://etsy.com/shop/NerdAlertTreasures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1048376939

The Daisy Dragon https://etsy.com/shop/TheDaisyDragon?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1413960610

Stitch and Seam Co https://etsy.com/shop/StitchandSeamCo?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1041362922

Fantastic Knickknack https://etsy.com/shop/FantasticKnickknack?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=829234041

DS Patches https://etsy.com/shop/DsPatches?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1530110141

Eldritch Tabletop https://etsy.com/shop/EldritchTabletop?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1506618075

Sarah@bags4dice  https://www.boardgamesolutions.co.uk/  dice bags, dice trays, playmats and card holders. 5 days to make and 5-15 business days delivery worldwide

Of Dice and Mini's -  @ofdiceandminis        - https://www.etsy.com/shop/WolfwoodGaming  Painted Mini's and busts, witchy character sheet, dice and dice tray.

arielle milstein-brennan    @arielleishere https://www.ariellemilstein.com/shop   Dice, lanyards, stickers, pins jewelry

Kaaren's Aartopia (Darc Raven)    https://kaarensaartopia.com/   Custom Dice Bags.   kaarensaartopia@gmail.com  (10 bags - 10 - 14 days.)


Delve Wood https://etsy.com/shop/Delvewood?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1051675048

The Clever Kitsune https://etsy.com/shop/TheCleverKitsune?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1542427589

2Crit2Quit https://etsy.com/shop/2crit2quit?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1391617155

HookN20 https://etsy.com/shop/HookN20?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1481318906

Knight of the 7 Dice https://etsy.com/shop/KnightOfThe7DICE?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1295665006

Green Leaf Geek:  https://greenleafgeek.com/en-gb

Heyo! DMing regarding your Christmas article. I'm making my 5th annual ADVENTure Calendar which will go up for sale in early August and ships for December 1 delivery

Black Oak Workshop - https://twitter.com/BlackOakWShop -https://www.blackoakworkshop.com/shop Dice, Pins, Advent-ure Calendars 

Pteradice - https://twitter.com/futurexmsmalcom - https://www.pteradice.com/- Dice, trinkets, 

2Crit2Quit - https://twitter.com/2crit2quit - https://2crit2quit.com/ - Dice

Becca:  Green Burrow   https://theevergreenburrow.com/ Dice, earrings

Dice Trays

The Fey Portal https://etsy.com/shop/TheFeyPortal?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1315126188

Green Fox Wood Working https://etsy.com/shop/GreenFoxWoodworking?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1270009293

Draigenmore Adventure https://etsy.com/shop/DraigenmoreAdventure?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1236438329

Games by Bee https://etsy.com/shop/GamesByBee?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1025825558

Sterling Makes https://etsy.com/shop/SterlingMakes?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1257084211

Nerdy Home Decor

Wild Magic Wonders https://etsy.com/shop/WildMagicWonders?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1282216400

Smoke Craft Hollow https://etsy.com/shop/SmokeCraftHollow?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1511203342

The Crystal Ravenn https://etsy.com/shop/TheCrystalRavenn?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1245361217

Aardnor Miniatures https://etsy.com/shop/AardnorMiniatures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=957480275

Morey Made Crafting https://etsy.com/shop/MoreyMadeCrafting?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1287639944

Ardwood Creations https://etsy.com/shop/ArdwoodCreations?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1273667483

Mr G Willickers Studio https://etsy.com/shop/MrGWillickersStudio?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1048464969

EliMiko Art https://etsy.com/shop/EliMikoArt?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1171313719

Arcane Spectacles https://etsy.com/shop/ArcaneSpectacles?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=935438977

Works of Whimsey - https://worksofwhimsystudios.com/collections/all


Darcy Bono Creations https://etsy.com/shop/DarcyBonoCreations?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1359779498

Hawksmoors Menagerie https://etsy.com/shop/HawksmoorsMenagerie?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1364102238

Silverwolf Miniatures https://etsy.com/shop/SilverwolfMinis?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1156108319

Khromatic Miniatures https://etsy.com/shop/KhromaticMiniatures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1516038791

Mkee Morology https://etsy.com/shop/McKeeMorology?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=768952817

Journals and Stickers

The Crafty Rogue Shop https://etsy.com/shop/TheCraftyRogueShop?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1176947809

Cantrips Media https://etsy.com/shop/CantripsMedia?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=826973719

Vellzys Vault https://etsy.com/shop/VellzysVault?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=954512166

Houndsflyte Designs https://etsy.com/shop/HoundsflyteDesigns?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1524781129

The Orderly Owl https://etsy.com/shop/TheOrderlyOwl?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=744204919

Text, Digital Assets, speciality crafting

Alderdoodle - https://www.alderdoodle.co.uk/  

Silver Glass -  https://www.etsy.com/shop/SophieGrunnet 

Swordceress - https://www.etsy.com/shop/QueenofSwordsDnD/

arielle milstein-brennan -  https://www.ariellemilstein.com/shop   

Long Dog Dice - https://longdogdice.com/ 

Miya - https://www.pixiewolfpublishing.com/  

The Speechless Bard - https://www.speechlessbard.com/

Colecago:  https://www.nobleknight.com/P/2147946571/55mm-Animated-RGB-Dice-Lamps  Dice lamps

Diceawaii - https://www.diceawaii.com/  

The Guilded Grove -  https://thegildedgrove.co.uk/

Theydysthings   -  https://www.theydysthings.com/products 

Sunday 27 August 2023

Hard at Work on New things

Hail Followers of the Maths Rollies,

We're hard at work currently on some new projects, we will be including extra interviews and a few other new concepts as we can add them so please stay with us for more fun things.

Thunder Mouser.