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  Hail Mighty Readers and Rollers of the Maths Rocks, We love to interview people in the TTRPG scene so if you are in one of the following r...

Friday 30 June 2023


Having been fascinated with stories of magical origin from the Carribean, it wsa inevitable that Chris Colon, a second generation voice actor, would move into the TTRPG space.  Now the producer as well as player in the fab, Voices of Color, as well as the admin/producer for The Mythic Initiative keeps him pretty busy.

Grabbing a few minutes from his day, we were lucky enough to get Chris to answer our starter set of questions, here's what he had to say...

Totally Pawsome:  As a creator of podcasts for TTRPG's, what inspires you each time you sit down to record?

Christopher Colon:  The thing that always keeps me coming back for more is creating a new story with the people I  share a table with. I love to write stories, but they are nothing without the cast's input as their ability to infuse their own experiences into my stories has always made them richer and more meaningful than I could have ever created by myself.

TP:  What would you say is the best-selling point of your Podcast and what has people coming back for more?

CC:  I would say the cast's performance is the best-selling for The Mythic Initiative. Hamnah (@lilithttrpg), CJ (@scholasticdragn), Vyn (@VynVoxVa), and Sea (@SeaPlaysRPG) are an extremely talented group of performers who are able to play with emotional beats in ways I could never imagine. From hitting comedic high to tear-jerking tension of drama they always manage to outdo themselves, have made the show what it is today, and are what keeps people coming back to see more.

TP:  Why the TTRPG space?

CC:  I am an actor who has to audition every day to be a part of the next production or project but the caveat with this is that you will face a lot of rejection as you are not always going to be the best fit for the role even though you might be a great actor. TTRPGs are different as you don't have to worry about trying to fit into someone else's role as you are the one making it up. On top of this collaborating with other feds that creative part of me that I can't get anywhere else while at the same time allowing me to improve my skills as a performer.

TP:  What is your favorite individual podcast that you've worked on and why?

CC:  I would have to say The Mythic Initiative. This was my first escapade into AP production/Streaming, and I was able to learn much about what goes into a live production. Plus, having it on my own channel allowed me to get really creative with it in terms of design, which I have never done before.

TP:  With some podcasts being a little behind the actual play of the game what can you tell us about what you're up to now?

CC:  At the moment I am working on two projects which hopefully come out towards the end of the year if time permits. The first project is the second session of The Mythic Initiative which is a continuation of the first season as it follows our monsters across the U.S. as they try to stop the apocalypse and the new threat that comes with it. It's going to have new art for all the cast members, we will be using a new game system, it's going to have a ton of guests from across the TTRPG space, and a couple of special episodes that will make this season better than the last. The second project I am working on is titled Fatebreaker which is a Godkiller campaign, inspired by pieces of media like Arcane and Andor, which I am extremely excited for as the art is exceptional and the cast member, I have on board is phenomenal.

TP:  Who do you think would love to play your TTRPG's and why?

CC:  While I don't have any TTRPGs of my own that I have made, I will say the reason people watch my productions is due to the narrative element that I really focus on in my shows. This narrative focus provides not only helps create an engaging story for the audience to remember for the years to come but also provides a space where my cast members can explore their emotions without the fear of being criticized which makes our audience feel at home. 

TP:  Where did you see your TTRPG podcast take you in 5 years?

CC:  I really hoping to finish up The Mythic Initiative by then as the whole series in total are planned for 3 seasons (we are currently producing season 2) but I'm hoping to produce something of a sequel series for it with a whole new set of character and would be inspired by the spider-verse movies both in design and story but that's if I have the time to do it as I am a team of one trying their best XD.

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to develop something unique, what would it be and why?

CC:  I would say that the sequel series to The Mythic Initiative as I am currently obsessed with the Spider-verse movies that have come out in the past few years and the art behind them. I am currently looking up a lot of things around the design aspect of the movies and am thinking about dipping my toes into new programs to help me achieve that dream. This show would be something that I haven't really seen done in space yet and the story that I have in mind for it would be unlike anything I have written before, which would be a challenge for me, but I would love to do it.

TP:  Who do you admire in the podcast community and why?

CC:  Stellaluna (@stellalunaTV) for sure! They have not only produced some of the most incredible pieces of work I have ever seen (in terms of design and performance) but they also have given their own time to help the community whether it be by providing people with new opportunities to be a part of the streaming space or teaching newbies on how to create on their own content. I hope to play or produce something with them one day but until then I am going to keep rooting for them and support everything they do.

TP:  What got you into TTRPG's in the first place?

CC:  I’m going to be honest with you all here. What originally got me into TTRPGs was a crush I had for someone back when I was at college. They would be constantly watching Critical Role in class, and I thought if get into TTRPGs it could be something else we could talk about but needless to say, that relationship didn't work out as I planned it XD. I am glad that I pushed myself to learn about TTRPGs though as it has given me a creative outlet to express myself and has helped me meet new people that I would have never met without these wonderful games.

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