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NEWS: Totally Pawsome Policies for Interviews and Reviews - Thundermouser

  Hail Mighty Readers and Rollers of the Maths Rocks, We love to interview people in the TTRPG scene so if you are in one of the following r...

Friday 7 July 2023


When I get to play TTRPG's, when I was younger it was all left to the imagination, however, in more modern times (since my return) I've loved seeing Miniatures that represent your heroes as well as the monsters, making the whole game extra special on a new level and with every passing month, new developments have allowed the average person to own a 3d printer with wonderfully creative 3d modellers creating their own visions that people can download and print themselves.  

I've been lucky enough to get some of Adam's time, from Twin Goddess Miniatures whose own sense of whimsy is winning them fans the world over.  Here we get to listen to his answers to our questions...

Totally Pawsome:  How do you work out which themes to create pieces for?

Twin Goddess Miniatures:  Themes are kind of on a whim, I used to do polls but I felt sometimes themes were picked that my heart wasn't into 100% So now I just do what I want to at the time.

TP:  What would you say sells your miniatures to people?

TGM:  For me my stuff sells from being unique, fun, and dynamic. There are lots of minis out there but being able to get charm into the character means it is more likely to be noticed and purchased.

TP:  What is the turn around time from designing a concept to having it ready for printing?

TGM:  If I'm not distracted about 6-12 hours depending on how much "new" parts I have to make. Armor can slow things down.

TP:  What is your favourite piece that you've created and why?

TGM:  Probably Knox the Goblin, she was one of my first but she set the standard of quality and charisma.

TP:  Coming up with a piece is often an idea that gets written into a journal to come back to. How often do you find yourself working on one piece and another comes to mind and can you give an example?

TGM:  Ideas typically come to me from playing D&D with my friends.

TP:  What do you think is most inspiring about your miniatures and why?

TGM:  Kinda the same reasons as question 2.

TP:  Where do you see your business taking you in 5 years?

TGM:  I'd like to be more popular and working with bigger names on you-tube and streams. Possibly making minis for their shows.

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to create anything you wanted what would it be and why?

TGM:  I pretty much already do that lol

TP:  Who do you admire in the fantasy community and why?

TGM:  Just the sheer amount of fun ideas people come up with.

TP:  What got you all into TTRPG's in the first place?

TGM:  Not sure what was the first instance of it, but I've been interested in Medieval Fantasy since I was little and I've been playing d&d for almost 15 years now.

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