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  Hail Mighty Readers and Rollers of the Maths Rocks, We love to interview people in the TTRPG scene so if you are in one of the following r...

Thursday 13 July 2023


A lot of us in the TTRPG scene are, and I admit this proudly, perhaps some of the biggest nerds going, identifying each other usually with either weird obscure quotes or with our writing as there will be influences from some of our other passions.  Whether its having some dark twists added in a manga style or perhaps even with some of our tattoo's in homage to the things we love.  

Here Blair Scarlet Barrett talks to us about their passions, their creations and about how, whilst they have created a few modules already, they're still learning...

Totally Pawsome:   As a creator of modules/systems for TTRPG's, what inspired you to write the one you're most proud of?

Blair Scarlet Barrett:  Well, considering the one I'm most proud of is Fighting Spirits, I would have to say that the reason I felt like it needed to happen is because Monks, and really just unarmed combat in D&D 5e in general, felt underpowered and undervalued. So I wanted to give people the power to change that if they wanted to, and Fighting Spirits was the result. I took a lot of inspiration for the content itself from various JRPGs, fighting games, and martial arts anime that I've personally played or watched over the years. Some of the stuff in there is even meant to be nods to various in-jokes or tropes in the various fandoms, because again, I have a great personal love for those things myself.

TP:  What would you say is the best selling point of your TTRPG's?

BSB:  Considering almost all of my content is Pay What You Want, that's hard to say! But I like to think that my best selling point for my content is that it's easily slotted into D&D 5e, or any similar d20 system adapted from 5e, because that's what I know how to write for right now.

TP:  Why the TTRPG space?

BSB:  Well. There's a few reasons, but the main big one is that given that I'm on SSI, I'm not allowed to hold down a regular job, even if I could in the first place. Given some personal physical and mental difficulties on my part, that's basically impossible anyway. But the other big reason is that I LOVE writing stuff for people to enjoy, whether that's just the reading of the thing I wrote itself or the mechanics of what I've created actually playing out in their game. I have so many ideas for how things could be improved, or expanded upon in some cases, that I just couldn't NOT put it all into PDF and start throwing it out there on my little corner of the internet. It's hard, and I know I'm probably not doing it exactly right, but I'm slowly learning.

TP:  What is your favourite product that you produce and why?

BSB:  Honestly, I would have to say writing character classes/subclasses. I really enjoy going in depth with a class idea, and seeing what kinds of abilities or powers I can develop to fit into that idea. Ability creation is probably one of the more enjoyable aspects of that process for me, because I'm a big comic book, cartoon and anime nerd, and I have IDEAS.

TP:  What is your current work in progress and what can you tell us about it?

BSB:  Oh gods, too many. I'm Autistic & ADHD, so sometimes it's hard to just pick one idea and STICK with it until the end, so I have uh, currently 4 or 5 actively being worked on projects. Probably the most fleshed out and worked on one at this moment is Magical Mana, which is my attempt to bring a more Final Fantasy-type feeling to magic by raising the level limit, removing components and adding an MP cost, though it does a bit more than that as well. Currently I'm trying to convert all of the cantrips in D&D 5e. I have to admit that when I last looked at the 5e spell list, I had a moment of, "I have made a grave error in judgment". But I'm committed now. As for the other projects, one is a direct sequel to Fighting Spirits, Fighting Spirits 2: Combo Boogaloo. It's meant to give people access to fighting game-like combos in D&D 5e, and also expand a bit on abilities in the previous volume. I'm also working on a Beast People compendium, so folks can have animal people in D&D 5e, called Blood of the Wild: Beast People of Faerun and Beyond. There's also Monsters with Jobs: Re-Hired! in the works, which is me expanding on another previous work of mine, Monsters with Jobs!, which is basically a book of friendly NPCs DMs can use to provide fun, wholesome encounters for their group. I'm also working on the Bassurai class, which is my love letter to some bygone classes and abilities from D&D editions past, as well as music and cyberpunk. It's meant for a more modern interpretation of 5e's setting.

TP:  Who do you think would love to play your TTRPG's and why?

BSB:  Gosh, I would hope everyone who gets a chance to use my content in their game ends up enjoying it, obviously! But I understand the question is, "Who is this FOR?", and I can honestly tell you, that my content is for those who enjoy feeling the full weight of their characters when they play them in a game, for those people who love those big moments in an anime or a video game where you FEEL the heart of the people involved, and for anyone who loves playing the role more than the roll playing them. It's for those players who always wanted more from the game they love to play, but didn't know WHAT that something more was or couldn't figure out how to make it BETTER, and not just for themselves, but the whole table. It's for those people who think connecting with their chosen creation is more important than "the best build" for the class or species/lineage they picked, or optimizing their stats. Those are the people I make content for. And those are the people who I hope end up loving it.

TP:  Where do you see your TTRPG writing career taking you in 5 years?

BSB:  I honestly don't know right now! I'm really just barely getting into it, despite having done this for a few years now. It's hard work, and I don't always have the motivation or energy to get it done when I want to. But I hope maybe someday, that I'll be on some actual play or pre-recorded podcast, with a bunch of other dedicated character nerds. I'm hoping to get my name out there more, and that was kind of the point of this in the first place.

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to develop something unique, what would it be and why?

BSB:  I feel like this question kind of answers itself, because I'm an indie homebrew TTRPG creator and so like, a lot of my content is already unique to begin with. BUT if I had to pick something out of that to make an OFFICIAL supplement? Fighting Spirits, 1000%. There needs to be more official TLC given to Monks and the Unarmed combat system itself, and I think Fighting Spirits does that pretty well. And with FS2: Combo Boogaloo being worked on, it'll get even better.

TP:  Who do you admire in the Independent TTRPG writing space and why?

BSB:  So, this is probably some personal bias on my part, because I've worked with this person before, and really thoroughly appreciated their help in playtesting Fighting Spirits for me: @planes_of_fate aka Franz. Probably one of the most supportive and creative people in the community right now, and it boggles my mind constantly that I had a chance to work with them on something. They are constantly out there, hyping the community up, while also trying to work on his own things, and I just...I wish I had that energy.

TP:  What got you into TTRPG's in the first place?

BSB:  Honestly, reading fantasy books/novels as a kid. One of my friends handed me a dragonlance book, Dragons of Spring Dawning I think, and that was pretty much the end for me. I dove head first into that world, and then learned that I could PLAY in it if I wanted. All things considered? I'd say that worked out pretty well. I have lots of great memories from roleplaying over the years. The only difference now is, I'm actively making content for the thing I love to do anyway.

The only thing that I want to add, is that this business is not nearly as welcoming, friendly, or warm as a lot of the bigger indie names would have you believe it is. It is a hard, cutthroat world out there, and while yes there are good people in it, they are harder to find than people think. No one is out to be your friend right off the bat, and if you go into the community expecting people to just be cool with your entire self right away, you're going to be disappointed a lot. But by no means does that ever mean you should EVER stop. Sure, you're going to fall on your face A LOT, but so fucking what? Everyone can find somewhere they belong here.

As for myself? That's a lot harder to say, since I objectively hate talking about myself because I always feel like I'm bragging or something, even though I'm just trying to state facts/answer questions in the most honest and efficient way possible. I don't like to exaggerate or over complicate things when I'm explaining something, because I feel like the truth is always better anyways. That being said, in case it wasn't entirely obvious from what I've previously said, I am a HUGE nerd when it comes to comics, cartoons, anime and manga, though I haven't kept up with a lot of it because it's hard to afford all the subscriptions I would need. Feel free to ask me about how I think an actual human brain would process suddenly possessing Superman's power set, but buckle up because it gets DARK really fast. OH! I used to LARP with a group called Amtgard! I would dearly love to get back into it, because it was damn better therapy than what I'm currently getting. Had to stop because of an injury, but stayed away because of local drama. But I miss hitting people with foam swords. I'm also REALLY into music, though I mainly stick with electronica/dubstep, metal, rock, and kpop. You'll likely be able to pick that up from my content as well.

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