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  Hail Mighty Readers and Rollers of the Maths Rocks, We love to interview people in the TTRPG scene so if you are in one of the following r...

Friday 21 July 2023


With moving around a bit, I never really got into a campaign that lasted a number of years, so to find one that has been on the go since 1999 is something of a wonder.  This podcast, now in its seventh campaign, in the world of Xelanis, is a story set in world where corporations rule with magic and technology existing side by side.

Here Jeph Wilkinson has taken our interview and wanted to let you know about Big Campaign's fab world setting and how the fun at the table takes precedent...

Totally Pawsome:  As a creator of podcasts for TTRPG's, what inspires you each time you sit down to record? 

Jeph Wilkinson:  I really like telling stories, especially ones that can evolve with other people helping me tell the same story.

TP:  What would you say is the best selling point of your Podcast and what has people coming back for more?

JW:  I think we have a real interesting world/setting. I hope people are coming back for that and just the fun of the table.

TP:  Why the TTRPG space?

JW:  It feels like such a neat and contained petri dish of creative types. When people hear that unique thing that sets them off down a path to start making all sorts of new things and I think that is amazing.

TP:  What is your favourite individual podcast that you've worked on and why?

JW:  So far I have only worked on mine, so I am kind of biased. I am having a lot of fun playing around and learning audio.

TP:  With some podcasts being a little behind the actual play of the game what can you tell us about what you're up to now?

JW:  Right now I am working on guest episodes involving a bunch of forever GMs.

TP:  Who do you think would love to play your TTRPG's and why?

JW:  I think people that enjoy pathfinder/d&d but likes a little bit more grounded. Overall I think some of the higher level play can get pretty out in making it feel like you are still playing the same game you started. 

TP:  Where do you see your TTRPG podcast taking you in 5 years?

JW:  Hopefully we have a decent base of people that like to talk about nerd stuff and help join in the altering and creating of the world.

TP:  If you were given the time and opportunity to develop something unique, what would it be and why?

JW:  I think I would like to find a way to make various podcasts that all cross in the same world, like the Discworld series. 

TP:  Who do you admire in the podcast community and why?

JW:  I am a massive fan of the Knowledge fight cast, dedication, quantity, quality, and all around deep introspective takes - I think even if you are not interested in their source material they bring a lot to the table. 

TP:  What got you into TTRPG's in the first place?

JW:  I found a golden dice at a garage sale a decade before I learned there were games designed to use it.

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